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Help with responding to the St. Albans Draft Local Plan Consultation


The St Albans District Local Plan will be a blueprint for the area’s built environment that includes land for future business, infrastructure and housing developments for the years up to 2041. It has the power to have a big impact on the sustainability of our District and the effect that we have on local wildlife.


The Local Plan is currently in draft form and we're all being asked for our comments. We have until 25th September to suggest how we think the Draft Local Plan could be improved.


To help you make the most of this opportunity to influence the sustainability of the District in the coming decades, we're getting together with Sustainable St Albans to hold a public meeting to discuss ideas for your response.


We'll have experts leading discussions on topics like how the plan deals with sustainability of new buildings, water, transport and local wildlife.


Join us Tuesday 12th September 7,30pm at the Friends Meeting House on Upper Lattimore Road.


Everyone is welcome

Draft Local PlanComments

Take your chance to shape the future

The St Albans and District Draft Local Plan is the first draft of the planning bible that will rule planning decisions across the District until 2041.


Amongst many other things:


  • It will say where new housing can be and the standards houses should be built to.


  • It will determine the number of new trees and green spaces.


  • It will determine how much priority should be given to the problem of climate change.


Until 5pm on 25th September you have the opportunity to say what you think of the Draft Plan - what you like and what you want to see changed.


You'll find the Draft Local Plan (the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan) on the St Albans District Council website.


The Draft Plan is a long document. If you don't have time to read it all, then just read a few chapters and jot down your comments.


You may want to focus on:


  • Chapter 1 - Spatial strategy

  • Chapter 2 - Climate emergency

  • Chapter 8 - Transport

  • Chapter 10 - Natural environment and biodiversity


You then have the choice of 2 ways to have your say.

You can do the 5 minute 6 question quick survey.

For this, there's no need to register.

It's quick and easy, but very limited.


If nothing else, please give Climate Change number 1 priority in question 1.

Alternatively, if you have a little more time, or would like to give wider comments, take the Questionnaire.


For this, you will need to register. It only takes moments. Do check your spam for your confirmatory email.


You will then have the opportunity to put your comments into a text box - one for each chapter. Do remember to save as you go.


You may want to:


  • welcome the priority given to the climate emergency (Chapter 2)


  • suggest that all developments must achieve a 40% CO2e reduction against Building Regulations Part L standard and any future regulations that may be imposed (CE1 Chapter 2)


  • ask that there is not only a requirement for tree planting in new developments, but that developers are compelled to care for the trees for 3 years and replace any that die in that time (Chapter 10)


  • ask that permission for extensions is only given if the energy efficiency of the original dwelling is improved at the same time (Chapter 12)


  • suggest that taller buildings should be allowed as they take up less land, have lower embodied carbon, can be run more efficiently and allow more people to live close to transport links (Chapter 12)


Whilst it's good to suggest ways in which the Draft Plan could be changed to be better, it's also really important to say if there are existing proposals that you welcome.

Remember that the Local Plan will affect the whole District for decades to come.

So, whichever way you choose to respond, the most important thing is to take this opportunity to say something.

You have until 5pm on 25th September.


Activists! Craftivists! Quilters! Everyone! Your Help Needed to prepare for the United for Warm Homes Day of Action

Exciting news! It's been announced what the United for Warm Homes Day of Action will look like - and here it is...


...the United for Warm Homes Community Quilt!


Yes - we're being asked to get people from across the community to join in making a quilt to help us take the United for Warm Homes message to our MPs on the 18th November.

You'll remember that the United for Warm Homes campaign demands are:

  • financial help now for people struggling with fuel bills

  • a national programme of home insulation

  • renewable energy to replace costly fossil fuels


Whether you are a competent craftsperson or have never even held a needle, it doesn't matter. We'd love you to help us take this action out across St Albans District so as many people as possible can join in.


Are you up for the challenge?

Join us on Zoom at 7.30 this Sunday 10th September so we can start making a plan.

Zoom details are below.

Hope to see you then.


Meeting join link:

Meeting ID: 879 6709 0667

Passcode: 217394

Join by phone: call either number below and input the meeting ID 879 6709 0667 when prompted.

 +44 203 966 3809 or +44 203 695 0088 

And finally... Get active on social media


If you've not joined the St. Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook Group yet, then there's no time like the present.


And get on Twitter to find us at @stalbansfoe


If you're really keen, then get some top tips to be really effective on social media here.


Here at St.Albans and District Friends of the Earth we’re keen to do what we can to improve our environment here and in the rest of the world. We’re a small, friendly group who meet once a month. 

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© 2019 St. Albans Friends of the Earth

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