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JULY 2021


Say No to expansion at Luton Airport


Luton Airport has applied for permission for an extra 1 million passengers per year.


With global temperatures soaring, communities in the UK and around the world being displaced, and our ecological system on the brink of collapse, the last thing we need is to fill the skies with more planes.


We have until 2nd July to object.

The Government's own Committee on Climate Change says that there can be no net expansion of UK airport capacity unless the aviation industry achieves unexpectedly fast emissions cuts. Given this warning, it is hard to see how expansion at Luton Airport can proceed.


Not only this, but more flights means more noise and more local air pollution, both of which have a devastating effect on human health.

We have until just 2nd July to object to Luton Airport's expansion plans - the more people who object, the greater the chance that these climate wrecking plans will be rejected.


And finally... Get active on social media


If you've not joined the St.Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook Group yet, then there's no time like the present.


And get on Twitter to find us at @stalbansfoe


If you're really keen, then get some top tips to be really effective on social media here.

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