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JUNE 2022


Can you help us organise a Green Careers Event?


There's so much that we need to do to move towards a climate safe future, and in so many instances there's the will power and the funds to make changes.

But all too often there aren't the people to do the work needed.


People to fit and service heat pumps. People to install and fix EV charging points. People to effectively communicate the climate problem. People to educate about the natural world. The list goes on.


Which is why we're investigating holding a Green Careers Event.


There's a number of ways you can help:


  • Would you like to join the group planning this exciting project?

  • Do you work in a growing sustainable field or know someone who does?

  • Do you have connections with a local school or college who might be interested in attending such an event?


If so, please email Amanda


And finally... Get active on social media


If you've not joined the St. Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook Group yet, then there's no time like the present.


And get on Twitter to find us at @stalbansfoe


If you're really keen, then get some top tips to be really effective on social media here.


Here at St.Albans and District Friends of the Earth we’re keen to do what we can to improve our environment here and in the rest of the world. We’re a small, friendly group who meet once a month. 

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