Will you help us take the next step for Warm Homes that don't cost the Earth?

United for Warm Homes pushes on..
In spite of the disappointing news that the Labour Party is going back on its commitment to spend £6 billion a year on a street-by-street insulation programme, we're not giving up on the United for Warm Homes campaign - there's so much at stake for the health of people and the planet.
We're delighted with the support that the St Albans MP Daisy Cooper has given for the campaign so far, but we need to keep up the pressure so that she doesn't back track like Labour MPs have.

Can you help with the next stage in the campaign?
We have these lovely Warm Home Postcards on which people can write their name to ask their MP for home insulation and green energy.
It's super easy and they just give the postcard back to us to send on.
We'll be forwarding these to MPs to keep reminding them of the popularity and importance of measures that help people have warm, planet friendly homes.
Would you be able to get a few postcards signed?
Or do you know of an event where we could ask people to sign postcards?
If you can help please email stalbansfoe@hotmail.com. Thank you!

And some quick good news...
Friends of the Earth have been campaigning for the UK to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty for some time now, and the campaigning has paid off because they have agreed to do so. Companies will no longer be able to sue the UK government over climate policies. Overdue but very welcome.
And finally... Get active on social media

If you've not joined the St. Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook Group yet, then there's no time like the present.
And get on Twitter to find us at @stalbansfoe
If you're really keen, then get some top tips to be really effective on social media here.