APRIL 2023
Bring your ideas!
Join in the discussion at our St Albans and District Friends of the Earth meeting when we'll be planning our event for this year's amazing St Albans Sustainability Festival.
We'll discuss what we can do to:
engage people in our campaign for warm homes​
gather more signatures for our petition​
provide the basis for powerful engagement with our MPs
Whatever your suggestions, bring them along to our meeting at 7pm on Thursday 20th April. It's online, so you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home.
Join the meeting at:
Friends of the Earth Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 3286 4288
Passcode: 884
Join The Big One Protest in London on April 21st - 24th
Friends of the Earth are supporting Extinction Rebellion in their The Big One protest, in London from 21st - 24th April.
Extinction Rebellion have said that this process will be entirely law abiding, peaceful and inclusive and that there aim is to get a many people along to ask for urgent action on the climate and nature.
There are many opportunities for involvement over the 4 days. Sign up for information and updates.
If you'd like to join local people to travel down to The Big One, then either email stalbansfoe@hotmail.com, join the St Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook Page or follow St Albans Friends of the Earth on Twitter (@stalbansfoe) to coordinate with others.
Let's show our politicians that they need to act on the climate and nature before it's too late.
And finally... Get active on social media
If you've not joined the St. Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook Group yet, then there's no time like the present.
And get on Twitter to find us at @stalbansfoe
If you're really keen, then get some top tips to be really effective on social media here.