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Climate Change

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Reducing Heating Energy

Put up reflective material behind your radiators to prevent radiative heat loss through adjacent outside walls, saving around 10% of a radiator's heat from being lost. Radflek is one company which sells reflective sheeting for use behind radiators.

Close your curtains at night to stop heat escaping.

Insulate cavity walls.

Install high efficiency double/triple glazing to dramatically reduce heat loss from rooms.

Turn your thermostat down to 18°C and put on an extra jumper to keep warm.

Improve Energy Efficiency

Buy A-rated electrical appliances.

Turn off electrical appliances at the wall instead of leaving them on standby. Items left on standby can use up to 85% of the energy they would use if fully switched on.

Dry your clothes outside or inside instead of using a tumble dryer which uses huge amounts of energy.

Use low temperature cycles on washing machines and ensure there is a full load.

Use solar powered garden lights.

Take your phone charger out of the wall. It uses energy even when it’s not charging your phone.


Efficient Hot Water

If your heating system has a tank, make sure it’s insulated with a thick jacket. This will save money and reduce emissions.

When boiling water only use the amount you need.

Have a shower instead of a bath. Showers generally use far less energy and water. But watch out – power showers can use more water, especially if you have a long shower. Try to keep showers short.


Fridge Tips

Defrost your fridge and freezer regularly.


Don't leave the fridge door open as the fridge will warm up and have to turn on to bring its temperature back down.

Check the seal regularly. If the seal is damaged or not fitting correctly then cold air will be escaping.

Defrost frozen food in the fridge as this helps to keep the fridge cool as the food thaws.


Better Driving

Cycle or walk instead of driving if you can.


Drive smoothly and anticipate road conditions, avoiding rapid acceleration and heavy braking. This saves fuel and reduces accidents.

When starting from cold drive off immediately – running the engine to heat it up wastes fuel.

Drive at the most efficient speed if possible. The most efficient speed will vary from car to car but generally is about 55–65 mph. Driving faster will significantly increase your fuel consumption.

Make sure your tyres are not under inflated. Low tyre pressures are dangerous and can increase fuel consumption by up to 3%.

Switch your engine off if your in stationary traffic for more than 30 seconds. This will save fuel and reduce emissions.

Air conditioning significantly increases fuel consumption, so open the windows instead if possible.

Avoid short journeys – a cold engine uses almost twice as much fuel and catalytic converters can take five miles to become effective.

External items such as roof racks, roof boxes and bike carriers reduce a car’s aerodynamics and increase fuel consumption. Remove them when not in use.

Reduce your car's weight - keep your boot empty of heavy items if possible.

Get your car serviced regularly to keep it running efficiently.



When you have to fly, always consider if you can combine trips.

Try to fly direct rather than stopping over; aeroplanes use a lot of fuel taking off and landing.


Carbon offset your flight if you can.

In the Office

Only use the lights you need. Turn off lights in unused rooms, or install occupancy sensors.

Turn off computer monitors when not in use.

Only print when you really need to, and then print double sided.


If possible, open windows to keep cool rather than using air conditioning.


Car pool with other employees.


Cycle to work instead of driving.


If possible, work some days from home instead of driving in.


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