General Election 2019:
Getting the environment on the agenda

The environment should be the hot topic for the forthcoming election.
You're bound to receive a visit from one or two politicians over the next few weeks, so take the chance to quiz them on issues like..
what they will do to ensure the health of the River Ver which ran dry this year due to over abstraction and climate change;
how they will cut emissions from airports like Luton and Heathrow;
what they will do to reverse declines in wildlife and double tree cover in the UK;
how will they ensure that new houses don't add to carbon emissions- and what will they do to cut emissions from existing houses.
Do share the responses you receive on the St. Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook group or Twitter @stalbansfoe
Environmental Hustings 2019
We're planning a St. Albans Environment Hustings on 7.30pm Tuesday 3rd December at Trinity Church, St. Albans so you can put questions to all the candidates.
If you can help on the evening, we'd be really grateful. Please email stalbansfoe@hotmail.com
We're looking for a Treasurer -
do you have what it takes?

It takes all sorts to keep a group like St. Albans Friends of the Earth going, and we're currently looking for a Treasurer. It's not an onerous job and shouldn't take more than an hour a month, but it's invaluable for keeping our group going.
It needs some careful record keeping, settling occasional payments, and some simple accounts drawing up once a year.
If you think you could take on the role of Treasurer for our group, email stalbansfoe@hotmail.com
Tell Luton Airport what you think of their expansion plans

Luton Airport is planning expansion which will involve the building of a second terminal and an increase in passenger numbers from 18 to 32 million passengers per annum by 2032.
The airport is already one of the biggest local producers of CO2
Just 15% of the UK’s population take the majority (70%) of all flights. A bigger airport would mainly serve the interests of frequent flyers.
Already the airport causes health damaging air pollution and noise - both day and night
The economic arguments don't stack up - they don't take into account the true cost of climate change
Luton Airport are asking for your views in their consultation which is open until 16th December.
Do take the time to respond to the consultation using some of the points above - you need only respond to the sections that concern you.
Ready to take part in next year's Sustainability Festival?
23rd May - 7th June 2020

SustFest is a fortnight of events run by a host of groups around St.Albans District, all aimed at making us a bit more sustainable. Any group can get involved and run an event - the only requirement is that the event helps make us a bit more environmentally sustainable and the only limit is your imagination. Event registration will begin in January.
However, if you want a bit of inspiration, or to chat with other people considering holding an event then come along to the SustFest Creative Collaboration event on 26th November.
Places are limited so book now.
Are you a Football Fan?

We're joining with other Friends of the Earth groups to put pressure on football grounds to ditch disposable plastic cups and glasses. Can you tell us what the situation is at your home ground?
We're delighted that the Saints will be switching to reusable pint glasses in 2020 and we're hoping that other local teams will follow suit.
Upcoming Dates for Your Diary

St. Albans Environment Action Group will be discussing trees at their meeting on 19th November 7pm - 9pm at St. Albans Council Offices. There will be speakers from The Woodland Trust and St. Albans Council and discussion on how we can protect trees and grow more of them. All are welcome.
Next St. Albans Friends of the Earth Group Meeting will be on Tuesday 7th January 8pm at the Crown Pub on Hatfield Road, St. Albans.
Do take a look at stalbansfoe.org for all the latest news and follow us on social media.
Twitter @stalbansfoe and St.Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook group.