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MARCH 2020


All of us at St. Albans Friends of the Earth hope that you are well, and that you are coping in these difficult times.


You may not have space in your life at the moment for full on environmental campaigning, so we've put together a few things that you may find help you feel a little more positive and engaged. And, if you've got kids at home, the activities are great for kids too.


But first, it would be great to get together online to say hi and share some ideas. Please take a moment to fill in this quick poll to say what would be best for you, or send your feedback or ideas to


Litter Pick on 1st March


On Sunday 1st March St. Albans Friends of the Earth carried out a litter pick in the lane behind Morrisons supermarket. This lane seems to accumulate litter like few others we know! We collected bags full of plastic bottles, wrappers, cans, cigarette butts and even hats, gloves and old shoes. We left the lane a better place for plants and animals to grow in. Thank you to all who turned up. Your help is most appreciated!


Wilder St. Albans gets the go ahead


We are one of the groups that have been encouraging St.Albans District Council work with Herts and Middx Wildlife Trust to take on a project to increase biodiversity and carbon capture around the District through this re-wilding project. So we're delighted that last week the Council gave the project the go ahead. You can read about it here.


The emphasis will be on community participation, so this will be a project that we can all be part of.


Make your garden into a wildlife haven


If you're lucky enough to have a garden, then you can get started with the re-wilding right now.

If you're feeling energetic, you could use your time over the next few weeks to dig a pond.


But a lot of re-wilding entails sitting back and allowing nature to do her stuff.


There's some great tips in this article.


In particular, at this time of year when birds are nesting, do resist the temptation to do work on trees, shrubs and hedges.


Brush up your repairing skills


If you're anything like me, you think that it's a great idea to repair holes in socks or alter the waistline on those trousers, but never have the time to get round to it. So now could be the perfect time to brush up on those mending skills.


There's some great advice here.


Become a citizen scientist

The observations you make in your garden, or out on your once daily walk, are valuable to scientists. Make now the time to become a valued part of the ever growing numbers of citizen scientists.


Help scientist observing the effect of climate change on nature by reporting your 'first of the year' sightings to Nature's Calendar.


Get help identifying the natural things you have seen and contribute to surveys on iSpot or look out for slugs for the RHS Cellar Slug Survey


And finally... Get active on social media


If you've not joined the St.Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook Group yet, then there's no time like the present.


And get on Twitter to find us at @stalbansfoe


If you're really keen, then get some top tips to be really effective on social media here.

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